Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Psydrax dicoccos Gaertn.


Family: Rubiaceae

Synonym: Plectronia dicocca (Gaertn.) F.Muell. 

Vernacular name: Irumbarappan

Habit: Tree

Habitat: Evergreen, semi-evergreen and dry deciduous forests, also in the plains

Distribution: Indo-Malesia and China

Flowering and Fruiting: February-September

Key identification features: These trees grow up to 12 m in height and have white, corky bark. Their leaves are arranged in a distichous pattern. The leaf shape varies from elliptic to elliptic-lanceolate, ovate, or ovate-lanceolate. The bisexual flowers appear in axillary cymes. There are 5 stamens with short filaments. Fruit is a drupe.

 Uses: Used traditionally to make wooden combs to be offered as gift to the bride by the groom, A fine wood, it is used for agricultural purposes, cutlery etc

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