Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Spermacoce latifolia Aubl.


Family: Rubiaceae

Synonym: Tardavel latifolia (Aubl.) Standl. 

Vernacular name: Pachhapalla, Vellatharavu, Tharavu

Habit: Tree

Habitat: Moist and dry deciduous forests and waste places

Distribution: Native of Tropical America; now established in Tropical Africa and Asia

Flowering and Fruiting: August-October

Key identification features: This herb has a diffuse growth habit with a four-angled, prominently winged stem covered in hispid hairs. The leaves are broadly elliptic or ovate.. The flowers are arranged in axillary few-flowered cymes. The corolla is white or pale pink. The stamens are attached at the throat between the lobes. Fruit is a capsule.

 Uses: It is employed for treating malaria, skin diseases, digestive problems, fever, and headache.

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