Monday, July 1, 2024

Passiflora foetida L.


Family: Passifloraceae

Synonym: Dysosmia foetida (L.) M.Roem

Vernacular name: Ammummapazham, Bonchikkaya, Chadayan, Poochapazham, Poodappazham

Habit: Shrub

Habitat: Degraded forests and wastelands

Distribution: Native of Tropical America; now naturalised in Indo-malesia, China, and Africa

Flowering and Fruiting: June-December

Key identification features: A vine with densely hispid branchlets. Flowers axillary, often solitary. Fruit berry, subglobose,

Uses: Young leaves and plant tips are edible. Dried leaves are used in tea. Pulp of the ripe fruit is eaten. It is used in treating diseases such as throat infection, giddiness etc.

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