Monday, July 1, 2024

Sesamum radiatum Thonn. ex Hornem


Family: Pedaliaceae

Synonym: Sesamopteris radiata (Thonn. ex Hornem.) DC. ex Meisn. 

Vernacular name: Kaattellu

Habit: Herb

Habitat: Waste lands, rocky areas

Distribution: Native of Tropical West Africa; now widely spread

Flowering and Fruiting:  January-September

Key identification features: Erect mucilaginous herbs, have 4-angled stems. The upper leaves become smaller and elliptic to oblong. Solitary axillary flowers grace the plant. The pinkish corolla boasts a funnel-shaped tube. 4 didynamous stamens are included. Fruit is a capsule.

Uses: The leaves are consumed as a vegetable, and they have medicinal uses as a laxative, antidote to scorpion venom, and for treating sprains and childbirth

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