Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Melochia corchorifolia L.


Family: Sterculiaceae

Synonym: Lochemia corchorifolia (L.) Arn. 

Vernacular name: Cheruooram, Cheruvuram

Habit: Herb

Habitat: Degraded deciduous forest areas and waste places

Distribution: Paleotropics

Flowering and Fruiting: July-April

Key identification features: Erect branched herbs with simple leaves, varying in size and shape. The leaves are ovate-oblong. Flowers appear in terminal, capitate cymes, with pink corollas. The capsule is subglobose, 5-valved.

Uses: The leaves treat urinary disorders, dysentery, and smallpox. The plant yields strong fiber, and an aqueous solution of its leaves acts as an insecticide.

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