Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Microstachys chamaelea (L.) Müll.Arg.


Family: Euphorbiaceae

Synonym: Cnemidostachys chamaelaea (L.) Spreng., Excoecaria chamelaea (L.) Baill.

Vernacular name: Kodiyavannakku, Njettavanakku

Habit: Herb

Habitat: Moist and dry deciduous forests and grasslands, also in the plains

Distribution: India, Sri Lanka to Australia, Pacific Islands, Malesia

Flowering and Fruiting: July-December

Key identification features: Erect or diffuse herbs. Leaves alternate, oblong-lanceolate, base obtuse, margin minutely dentate, apex obtuse or acute; Flowers in monoecious slender axillary spikes. Male flowers minute, in clusters of 3. Female flowers solitary at base of spike. Capsule 3-lobed each with two rows of soft prickles on the back. Seeds oblong, carunculate.

Uses: A decoction of the leafy stems is used as a bath to relieve teething pain in babies. When cooked together with meat and vegetables, whole young plants are used for giving a speedy recovery to women after giving birth.

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