Monday, July 1, 2024

Tetrapilus dioicus (Roxb.) L.A.S.Johnson


Synonym: Olea dioica Roxb. 

Vernacular name: Edala, Edana, Etala, Irippa, Karivetti, Koruku, Palarana, Valiya Vetila

Habit: Tree

Habitat: India

Flowering and Fruiting: November-April

Key identification features: It is a tree that grows up to 15m in height. Their bark is grey or brown, rough, and shallowly vertically grooved. The leaves are simple, arranged opposite each other, and lack stipules. The leaf blade can be elliptic, elliptic-oblong, or elliptic-lanceolate. The flowers are creamy-white, small, and occur in panicles either at axillary positions or from leafless nodes. The stamens are 2, included within the corolla. The ovary is superior. The stigma is capitate. The fruit is a drupe.

Uses: Olea dioica fruits contain oil that can be extracted and used for various purposes. The oil has culinary applications and can also be used in traditional medicine and skincare products.

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