Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Plumbago indica L.


Family: Plumbaginaceae

Synonym: Plumbago rosea var. coccinea (Lour.) Hook. 

Vernacular name: Chethikoduveli, Chuvana-koduveli, Koduveli

Habit: Shrub

Habitat: Cultivated or found as an escape

Distribution: South East Asia ; India

Flowering and Fruiting: September-March

Key identification features: Shrubs with succulent roots, cylindrical branches; leaves alternate, oblong-elliptic, acute at apex; flowers red in in long purplish red to scarlet racemes, not corymbose; corolla tube long; Filaments of stamens as long as the corolla tube, anthers exserted just beyond the throat.

Uses: The root is acrid, vesicant, abortifacient and a stimulant. Applied in bland oil, it is used externally or internally in rheumatism and paralytic afflictions.

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