Thursday, July 4, 2024

Hydnocarpus pentandrus (Buch.-Ham) Oken

 Family - Flacourtiaceae

Synonym - Chilmoria pentandra, Hydnocarpus laurifolius, Hydnocarpus wightianus

Vernacular name - Marotti, Neeratti

Habit - Tree

Habitat Evergreen, semi evergreen and along streams of moist deciduous forests.

Distribution - Western Ghats (Endemic)

Flowering and Fruiting - December - May

Key Identification feature - Dioecious trees can grow up to 25 meters in height, with fluted boles. Their bark is, pale brown with white patches, and has a smooth, brittle texture. The leaves are simple, alternate, and elliptic in shape. They have crenate or serrate margins and are glabrous and coriaceous. Dioecious trees produce unisexual flowers, typically greenish-yellow. The fruit is a globose berry  with a thick, brown rind and numerous yellowish seeds. 

Uses - Cultivated in roadsides of hilly areas, timber used for building construction, oil used as medicine. Fruits used as fish poison.

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