Thursday, July 4, 2024

Cordia dichotoma G.Forst.


Synonym - Cordia obliqua, Gerascanthus dichotomus

Vernacular namesPasakaimaram, Mookalapazham, Veerusham, Viri

Habit - Tree

HabitatDry deciduous forests, also in the plains

DistributionPakistan, India, Sri Lanka and North Africa

Flowering and FruitingMarch-August

Key Identification features - These trees reach up to 10m in height and have bark with a yellowish-grey surface. The bark is rough, lenticellate, and shallowly furrowed. The leaves are simple, alternate, and elliptic, ovate, or orbicular. They have various base shapes (acute, truncate, subcordate, or rounded) and can have an acute or obtuse apex. The leaves are glabrous above and tomentose beneath. The flowers are polygamous, white, and grow in axillary and terminal cymes. The fruit is a drupe.

UsesThe exudation of the fruit is used as gum for fastening letters. The wood is moderately durable with smooth finish and suited for furniture

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