Sunday, July 21, 2024

Allamanda cathartica L.


Family – Apocynaceae

Synonym – Allamanda aubletii Pohl; Allamanda cathartica var. grandiflora L.H.Bailey & Raffill; Allamanda cathartica var. hendersonii (W.Bull ex Dombrain) L.H.Bailey & Raffill; Allamanda cathartica var. williamsii (Anon.) L.H.Bailey 

Vernacular names – Manjakolambi; Kolaambi

Habit – Shrub

Habitat – Grown as garden plant

Distribution – Native of Tropical America; now naturalised in the tropics of the world

Flowering and Fruiting – Throughout the year

Key Identification Features – This straggling shrub has elliptic or broadly oblong leaves arranged in whorls. The leaves are slightly leathery. The yellow, funnel-shaped flowers have a tube inflated above the middle and 5 orbicular lobes. Stamens are included in the basal constricted part of the corolla tube.

Uses – It is a garden plant

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