Sunday, June 23, 2024

Ocimum basilicum L.


Family: Lamiaceae

Synonym: Ocimum odorum Salisb.

Vernacular name: Kattuthrithavu, Ramathulasi,Tirunetru

Habit: Herb

Habitat: Dry deciduous forests, also in the plains; often cultivated

Distribution: Old World tropics

Flowering and Fruiting: August to February

Key identification features: Erect annual herbs that have stems with an obtuse 4-angular shape. The leaves are ovate-elliptic. The plant produces racemes. The corolla is cream-colored and has five lobes. The fuit is a nutlet that is ellipsoid, black, and become mucilaginous when wet.

Uses: Leafy tops which have fragrant taste are often used as a seasoning for culinary purposes. It is also of medicinal use

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