Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Murdannia nudiflora (L.) Brenan


Family: Commelinaceae

Synonym:  Aneilema nudiflorum (L.) Sweet, Commelina nudiflora L.

Habit: Herb

Habitat: Wet areas, Grasslands, also in the plains

Flowering & Fruiting: September-November

Distribution: India

Key identification features: Procumbent herbs; rooting at lower nodes. Leaves sessile, linear or linear-lanceolate, base rounded, apex acute or acuminate; Flowers in terminal and axillary few-flowered, subglobose or subcorymbose panicles. Petals oblong, acute, bluish-purple. Capsule globose. Seeds 2- per locule, cuboid, deeply pitted.

Uses: Used for treatment of asthma, leprosy, hemorrhoids, stomach complaints, giddiness, and as astringent.

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