Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Diospyros paniculata Dalzell


Family: Ebenaceae

Vernacular name: Karivella, Karumaram, Karivella, Illakatta, Thuvara

Habit: Tree

Habitat: Evergreen and semi-Evergreen forests

Distribution: Peninsular India

Flowering & Fruiting: December-May

Key identification features: A large tree. Leaves oblong-lanceolate, obtusely acuminate at apex, glabrous. Male flower in few peduncled paniculate cymes borne in the axils of fallen leaves. Female flower is axillary, solitary or in 2-5-flowered cymes. Fruit ovoid, hirsute when young, becoming glabrate with age, Seeds ovoid; endosperm not ruminate

Uses: Used in folk medicine to treat several ailments including burns, gonorrhea, biliousness, blood poisoning, rheumatism and ulcer.

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