Thursday, June 13, 2024

Crotalaria retusa L.


Family: Fabaceae

Vernacular name: Chana, Kilukilikki, Kilukiluppa, Mathru-ghathini, Thanthalakkotti

Habit: Herb

Habitat: All vegetation types, also in the plains

Distribution: Pantropical

Flowering and Fruiting: September-January

Key identification features: Erects herbs or subshrubs; branches striate, minutely pubescent. Leaves oblanceolate or obovate, Flowers in few to many-flowered terminal racemes; Corolla yellow with red striations; Pods oblong, cylindrical, slightly broader upwards. Seeds 15-20, long, light brown to black.

Uses: The flowers and leaves have a sweet flavour and are edible as a vegetable. Used for treatment of cough, dyspepsia, cardiac disorders, stomatitis, diarrhoea, scabies and impetigo.


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