Thursday, June 6, 2024

Andrographis atropurpurea (Dennst.) Alston


Family: Acanthaceae

Synonym: Andrographis wightiana Arn. ex Nees, Justicia atropurpurea Dennst.

Habit: Herb

Habitat: Evergreen and Semi-evergreen forests

Distribution: Western Ghats

Flowering and Fruiting: July-September

Key identification features: Andrographis is a suberect undershrub with hairy stem. Leaves are ovate and glabrous. Inflorescence is panicle with long lax racemes. Flowers are distant with light pink with brown spots. Capsule is oblong, glandular hairy with 8 seeds.

Uses: The roots and leaves are considered to be alterative, anthelmintic, bitter, febrifuge, stomachic and tonic

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