Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Piper divaricatum G.Mey.


Family: Piperaceae

Synonym Piper colubrinum var. adenophyllum (Miq.) C.DC., Piper crassifolium (Miq.) C.DC., Piper densespicatum Steud., Piper glabrilimbum C.DC, Piper impunctatum Link 

 Habit: Shrub

Habitat: Grown as stock plant for grafting black pepper

Distribution: Native of South America, introduced elsewhere

Key identification features: This plant is an erect, much-branched shrub growing up to 2.5 m tall with smooth, reddish-tinged stems and swollen nodes. The leaves are simple, alternate, and elliptic to elliptic-lanceolate, measuring. They have an obtuse base, acute apex, and 4-7 pairs of lateral nerves. The petioles are reddish. The plant features glandular prophylls, erect spikes opposite the leaves, and small triangular bracts. The fruit is obovoid, trigonous, and glabrous with three stigmas.

 Uses: It is a medicinal plant














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