Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Blechnum orientale L.


: Blechnaceae

 Habit: Subshrub

Habitat: Wet tropical biome

Distribution: Western Australia and Southern Asia

Flowering and fruiting:  Throughout the year

Key identification features: The rhizome is erect and covered with linear-lanceolate scales. The stipes are tufted, dark or reddish-brown at the base, and pale or grey-brown above, with a glossy appearance. The lamina is ovate to linear-lanceolate, with 10-56 pairs of alternate pinnae that are pale or yellowish-green, glabrous, and glossy. The sori are linear, dark brown, and continuous, with firm, dark brown indusia. The spores are spherical or ovoid, yellowish-brown, and translucent.
















Angiopteris crassipes Wall. ex C. Presl

 Family: Marattiaceae

Vernacular name:

 Habit: Subshrub

Habitat: Wet tropical biome

Distribution: Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Tibet

Flowering and fruiting:  Throughout the year

Key identification features: It is a fern species known for its large, erect, woody rhizome with a wide base supported by thick roots. The fronds are deltoid and pinnate, typically ranging from 5 to 8 meters in length. The leaflets are spreading, giving the plant a distinctive appearance.














Sesbania herbacea (Mill.) McVaugh


: Fabaceae

SynonymEmerus herbaceus Mill. 

 Habit: Shrub

Habitat: Bunds of paddy fields

Distribution: India (Endemic)

Flowering and fruiting:  September-December

Key identification features: These erect annual subshrubs grow up to 3 meters tall, with a swollen lower stem. The pinnate leaves, 11-25 cm long, have 10-23 pairs of oblong leaflets. The drooping racemes can reach 14 cm, bearing yellow, fragrant flowers. The linear, pendulous pods are 18-26 cm long and slightly twisted.

















Jatropha multifida L.


Family: Euphorbiaceae

SynonymAdenoropium multifidum (L.) Pohl, Manihot multifida (L.) Crantz 

Vernacular name: Churakkalli

 Habit: Shrub

Habitat: Grown in gardens

Distribution: Mexico and Caribbean

Flowering and fruiting:  August-May

Key identification features: Large shrubs have alternate, orbicular leaves that are 7.5-12 cm across and divided into 5-11 lobes. They produce coral red flowers on flat-topped terminal cymes up to 30 cm long. The flowers are about 6 mm in diameter, with red or orange parts, and obovate petals. The fruit is 2-3-lobed, about 2.5 cm long, smooth, and yellowish when ripe, containing ellipsoid seeds.















Dorstenia elata Gardner


Family: Moraceae

 Habit: Herb

Habitat:  Evergreen forests and wet rocky areas in moist deciduous forests

Distribution: South India and Sri Lanka

Flowering and fruiting:  February-April

Key identification features: These herbs have simple, alternate leaves up to 9 x 2.5 cm, with an obovate or oblanceolate shape and sparsely hairy nerves. The flowers are monoecious, numerous, and situated on a 5-angled, discoid receptacle up to 1.5 cm across, with male flowers on the periphery and female flowers at the center. The fruit is an achene, sunken in the receptacle.













Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Curcuma cannanorensis R.Ansari, V.J.Nair &N.C.Nair


Family: Zingiberaceae

Synonym Curcuma cannanorensis var. lutea R.Ansari, V.J.Nair & N.C.Nair , Curcuma lutea (R.Ansari, V.J.Nair & N.C.Nair) Amalraj, Velay. & Mural., Curcuma oligantha var. lutea (R.Ansari, V.J.Nair & N.C.Nair) K.G.Bhat 

Vernacular name - Aarumasapoovu, Arumasachedi, Krishnakireedam, Hanumankireedam

 Habit:   Herb

Habitat: Semi-evergreen forests

Distribution: Southern Western Ghats (Endemic)

Key identification features: Rhizomatous herbs have conical, yellow rhizomes and ovate-fusiform root tubers. Leafy shoots reach 10-30 cm with 3-5 distichous, ovate-elliptic leaves. The inflorescence is both lateral and central, featuring a peduncle and spike. Fertile bracts are lanceolate and green, while flowers are longer than the bracts, with a yellow corolla and orange-yellow labellum. The plant also has broad filaments, spurred anthers, and linear epigynous glands.

 Uses: It is a medicinal plant














Cleridendrum paniculatum L.


Family: Verbernaceae

Synonym Clerodendrum citrinum Ridl., Clerodendrum diversifolium Vahl, Clerodendrum paniculatum var. diversifolium (Vahl) C.B.Clarke  (1885), Clerodendrum pyramidale Andrews 

Vernacular name - Aarumasapoovu, Arumasachedi, Krishnakireedam, Hanumankireedam

 Habit:   Shrub

Habitat: Grown as ornamental plant; now naturalized

Distribution: Indo-Malesia

Key identification features: This plant is an erect subshrub that grows up to 2.5 m tall with scarcely branched, stoloniferous stems. Its simple, opposite leaves are orbicular, with faintly lobed, denticulate margins, an acute apex, and a cordate base. The flowers are in terminal panicles of dichotomous cymes, with reddish pedicels and a deeply 5-lobed, red calyx. The red corolla has a slender tube and shorter posterior lobes. Stamens are exserted, and the ovary is oblong, though fruit setting is uncommon.

 Uses: It is a medicinal plant














Coffea arabica L.


Family: Rubiaceae

Synonym Coffea bourbonica Pharm. ex Wehmer, Coffea corymbulosa Bertol., Coffea laurifolia Salisb. 

Vernacular name - Bannu, Coffee, Kaappi

 Habit:  Shrub

Habitat: Cultivated

Distribution: Native of Africa; introduced elsewhere

Key identification features: These glabrous shrubs or small trees have simple, opposite leaves that are 12-18 cm long and oblong. The fragrant, white, funnel-shaped flowers are numerous and borne in axillary fascicles. The fruit is a small, fleshy berry that turns dark purple when ripe.

 Uses: It is a medicinal plant














Piper divaricatum G.Mey.


Family: Piperaceae

Synonym Piper colubrinum var. adenophyllum (Miq.) C.DC., Piper crassifolium (Miq.) C.DC., Piper densespicatum Steud., Piper glabrilimbum C.DC, Piper impunctatum Link 

 Habit: Shrub

Habitat: Grown as stock plant for grafting black pepper

Distribution: Native of South America, introduced elsewhere

Key identification features: This plant is an erect, much-branched shrub growing up to 2.5 m tall with smooth, reddish-tinged stems and swollen nodes. The leaves are simple, alternate, and elliptic to elliptic-lanceolate, measuring. They have an obtuse base, acute apex, and 4-7 pairs of lateral nerves. The petioles are reddish. The plant features glandular prophylls, erect spikes opposite the leaves, and small triangular bracts. The fruit is obovoid, trigonous, and glabrous with three stigmas.

 Uses: It is a medicinal plant














Zingiber neesanum (J.Graham) Ramamoorthy


Family: Zingiberaceae

Synonym Alpinia neesana J.Graham, Zingiber macrostachyum Dalzell 

Vernacular name: Kattukolinchi

 Habit: Herb

Habitat: Moist deciduous, semi-evergreen and evergreen forests, also in the plains

Distribution: Western Ghats (Endemic)

Key identification features: These herbs, either annual or perennial, have leafy stems that grow 40-70 cm tall, either solitary or in small groups. The leaves are elliptic-oblong. The spikes, enlarge in fruit. Each reddish floral bract, contains a solitary flower. The calyx and corolla tube, with the larger corolla lobe. The labellum is, 3-lobed, and the ovary is glabrous. The capsule is ellipsoid, smooth, and red inside.

 Uses: It is a medicinal plant














Piper betle L.


Family: Piperaceae

SynonymChavica betle (L.) Miq., Piperi betlum (L.) St.-Lag. 

Vernacular name: Kodinjali, Vettila, Vettilakkodi

 Habit: Climber

Habitat: Cultivated

Distribution: India and Malesia

Key identification features: This climber has stems that are swollen at the nodes and papillose when young. Its bright green, shiny leaves are ovate and smooth, with slightly revolute margins and arcuate veins. The petiole is glabrous. The spike, becomes unevenly nodose in fruit. Flowers are crowded and dioecious, with 2 stamens and 5-6 stylules. Berries are rarely produced, forming a fleshy spadix.

 Uses: It is a medicinal plant














Blechnum orientale L.

  Family : Blechnaceae  Habit : Subshrub Habitat : Wet tropical biome Distribution :   Western Australia and Southern Asia Flowering...