Monday, July 1, 2024

Yamazakia viscosa (Hornem.) W.R.Barker, Y.S.Liang & Wannan


Family: Linderniaceae

Synonym: Lindernia viscosa var. glabra T.Yamaz. 

Vernacular name: Sticky False Pimpernel

Habit: Herb

Habitat: Wet areas in moist deciduous forests, also in the plains

Distribution: Indo-Malesia, Australia, and Pacific Islands

Flowering and Fruiting: July-October

Key identification features: Erect or diffuse hirsute annual herbs, rooting at lower nodes. Inflorescence a terminal lax, many-flowered raceme; peduncle sparsely glandular-pubescent; Corolla upper lip pale brown, lower lip white with yellow spots at mouth. Fruit is a capsule.

Uses: It is used as an ornamental plant in gardens and landscapes. It is also used in traditional medicine to treat various ailments such as fever, headache, and stomachache.

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