Friday, July 5, 2024

Syzygium aqueum (Burm.f.) Alston

 Family - Myrtaceae

Synonym - Cerocarpus aqueus, Eugenia aquea, Jambosa aquea, Malidra aquea 

Vernacular names - Chamba, Jamba, Jambakka, Bell fruit, Watery rose-apple, Water apple, Water cherry

Habit - Tree

Habitat - Cultivated

Distribution - Malesia to North Australia

Flowering and Fruiting - December-June

Key Identification Features - This tree grows up to 6 meters in height and has tawny-brown bark. Its leaves are simple, opposite, and elliptic in shape. The leaves have an obtuse or acuminate apex and a cuneate or subcordate base. Lateral nerves are prominent, forming an intramarginal nerve near the margin. The bisexual white flowers appear in terminal or subterminal axillary cymes. The fruit is a berry, glossy and crowned by fleshy calyx segments. It contains juicy, watery flesh and globose seeds. 

Uses - The fruits are edible, used to make wine and pickles.

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