Sunday, July 21, 2024

Hexasepalum teres (Walter) J.H.Kirkbr.


Family – Rubiaceae

Synonym – Spermacoce shandongensis (F.Z.Li & X.D.Chen) Govaerts 

Vernacular names – Rough buttonweed

Habit – Herb

Habitat – Wasteland and scrub jungles in laterite hillocks

Distribution – Tropical America and Southern USA, now a weed in tropical Asia and Africa

Flowering and Fruiting – October-January

Key Identification Features – This herb has erect branched stems with woody bases. Its leaves are narrow, covered in stiff hairs, and have revolute margins. The flowers are pink and axillary, while the fruits split into two indehiscent mericarps. Seeds are reddish brown and reticulate.

Uses – It is a weed

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