Sunday, July 21, 2024

Heteropogon contortus (L.) P.Beauv. ex.


Family – Poaceae

Synonym – Andropogon contortus L.; Heteropogon contortus var. hirtus Hack.; Heteropogon hirtus Pers.; Holcus contortus (L.) Stuck.; Sorghum contortum (L.) Kuntze 

Vernacular names – Oosipullu; Shoolampullu

Habit – Herb

Habitat – Grasslands and wastelands

Distribution – Cosmopolitan

Flowering and Fruiting – October-December

Key Identification Features – This perennial herb has erect or geniculate culms, reaching 30-90 cm in height. Its leaves are linear-lanceolate, and the raceme consists of both homogamous and heterogamous spikelets. The awns form a twisted spire. The plant’s characteristics include male florets, feathery stigmas, and densely hairy, contorted tips on the awns.

Uses – It serves as valuable pasture species, ornamental plant, ground cover for erosion control, and a source of fiber for mats and thatching.


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