Friday, July 5, 2024

Elaeocarpus munroi (Wight) Mast.

 Family - Elaeocarpaceae

Synonym - Monocera munroi 

Vernacular name -  Kalrudraksham, Pungari, Shirukodala, Neelippazham

Habit - Tree

Habitat - Evergreen and shola forests

Distribution - Southern Western Ghats (Endemic)

Flowering and Fruiting - September-April

Key Identification feature - The tree reaches up to 20m in height. Its leaves are simple, alternate, and clustered at the tip of branchlets. Glands are present in the nerve axils. Stipules are free, lateral, and caducous. The bisexual white flowers occur in short, drooping axillary racemes. Sepals are lanceolate and thinly tomentose, measuring 8 mm in length. The petals are also white, with reddish lines at the base. They are ovate-lanceolate, laciniate, and densely silky on both sides, inserted around the base of the glandular disc. Numerous stamens are positioned between the glands on the disc, and their anthers have long bristles. The ovary is densely silky hairy, placed on the torus, and is 2-celled, with 2 ovules in each cell. The stone within the fruit contains 1 or 2 seeds.

Uses - It serves as an ornamental plant in gardens and parks due to its attractive dark green leaves and small white flowers. Additionally, its timber is used in furniture making and construction, and it has traditional medicinal applications. 

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