Thursday, July 4, 2024

Cycas revoluta Thunb.

 Family - Cycadaceae

Synonym - Cycas aurea, Cycas inermis, Cycas miquelii 

Vernacular name - The sago cycad, King sago palm, Sago palm

Habit - Tree

Habitat - Grown as garden plant

Distribution - Native of East Asia

Key Identification features - The stem is very low, almost subterranean, with persistent leaf bases. It produces numerous adventitious lateral branches or bulbils. The pinnate leaves are closely arranged at the apex of the trunk. The petiole bears 6-12 spines. The leaflets, inserted horizontally, are stiff and narrow, with a decurrent base and an acuminate apex. Above, they are glabrous and glossy, while below, they are sparsely pubescent with strongly recurved margins. The cataphylls are triangular and densely covered in brown tomentose hairs, with an acuminate tip.

Uses - It is an Exotic and a Garden plant

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Pittosporum tetraspermum Wight & Arn.

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