Sunday, July 21, 2024

Clematis zeylanica (L.) Poir.


Family – Ranunculaceae

Synonym – Atragene lobata Llanos; Naravelia lobata (Llanos) Merr.; Naravelia zeylanica var. roxburghii DC. 

Vernacular names – Chinamkettykody; Kuruppakodi; Karuppakodi; Poi-thalachi; Pozhuthalachi; Soothravalli; Thalavedanavalli; Vathamkodi; Vadakkodivalli

Habit – Climber

Habitat – Moist deciduous forests, also in the plains

Distribution – South East Asia

Flowering and Fruiting – October-April

Key Identification Features – This climbing shrub has densely villous stems, leaves, and buds. The leaves are 2-3-foliolate, elliptic-ovate, and pubescent beneath. The flowers are greenish-yellow, bisexual, and arranged in panicles. The fruit consists of many achenes with a feathery persistent style.

Uses - It has medicinal uses in Ayurveda, such as relieving headaches and toothaches. It’s also a climbing shrub with star-shaped blooms, making it a lovely addition to gardens and landscapes.

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