Friday, July 5, 2024

Calliandra haematocephala Hassk.

 Family - Fabaceae

Synonym - Calliandra haematocephala var. boliviana , Calliandra haematocephala var. haematocephala, Feuilleea haematocephala , Anneslia haematocephala 

Vernacular names - Red Powder Puff, Blood Red Tassel Flower

Habit - Tree

Habitat - Grown as ornamental plant 

Distribution - Africa, Asia, South and North America

Flowering and Fruiting - Throughout the year

Key Identification features - It can be a large shrub or a small tree with spreading branches. The leaves are alternate, with 1 pair of pinnae, and consist of 7-10 pairs of leaflets. These leaflets are elliptic to oblong-lanceolate or subfalcate, with an obtuse and mucronulate apex. The flowers form globose heads, and the pods are linear-lanceolate, containing 5 or 6 oblong, flattened seeds. Bright red stamens add to its visual appeal. 

Uses - It is an ornamental plant

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