Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Acronychia pedunculata (L.) Miq.


Family: Rutaceae

Synonym: Jambolifera pedunculata L.

Vernacular name: Chakkimaram, Mavaranchi, Mavuringi, Muttanari,

Habit: Tree

Habitat:  Semi-evergreen forests, also in the plains

Distribution:  Tropical & Subtropical Asia

Flowering and Fruiting: March-November

Key identification features: Small evergreen trees with glabrous branchlets bear unifoliolate, opposite leaves. These leaves are obovate, obovate-oblong, or oblanceolate in shape. The bisexual yellowish-white flowers grow in trichotomous, corymbose axillary cymes. Stamens occur in two series, totaling 8, with unequal filaments. Fruit is a berry.

Uses: It treats conditions like scabies, sores, and ulcers. The roots are used for rheumatism and snake bites.

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