Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Vateria indica L.


Family: Dipterocarpaceae

Synonym: Vateria malabarica Blume

Vernacular name: Baine, Kunturukkam, Paenoe, Paine, Paini, Painimaram

Habit: LargeTree

Habitat: Evergreen and semi-evergreen forests

Distribution: Western Ghats

Flowering and fruiting: March-August

Key identification features: White Damar is a tall tree. Bark is greyish, smooth; Leaves are elliptic-oblong. Flowers are borne in panicles in leaf axils, with dense stellate hairs. Flowers are white, anthers yellow. Capsule is pale brown.

Uses: Wood is extensively used for making partitions, chests, boxes, cabinets etc. Resin which is known as “Malabar fallow”, “dhupa fat”, “piney resin” or “white dammar” used to manufacture candles and soaps.

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