Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Urena lobata subsp. lobata L.


Family: Malvaceae

Synonym: Urena lobata var. genuina Miq. in Pl. Jungh.: 283 (1854), not validly publ.

Vernacular name: Caesar's weed,Common Purple Mallow

Habit: Undershrub

Habitat: Undergrowth in orchards, forests, waste places

Distribution:  Pantropical

Flowering and Fruitin: January_April

Key identification features: This subshrub-like herb grows erect. Leaf blades on the middle part of the stem are ovate while those on the distal part are oblong to lanceolate. The flower is reddish with 5 obovate petals covered in stellate puberulence on the abaxial side. The fruit is flattened and globose.

Uses: In some cultures, young leaves of Urena lobata may be consumed as a leafy vegetable after proper cooking.

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