Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Tephrosia purpurea (L.) Pers.


Family: Fabaceae

Synonym: Cracca purpurea L., Galega purpurea (L.) L.

Vernacular name: Kattamari, Kodikozhingil, Kolinnil, Kozhenjil, Kozhingil, Kozhuva

Habit: Undershrub

Habitat: Moist deciduous forests and grasslands, also in the plains

Flowering & Fruiting: Throughout the Year

Distribution: Throughout Eastern Ghats

Key identification features: Glabrescent erect undershrub. Leaves are even-pinnate. Inflorescence is a many-flowered raceme. Petals pink in colour. Fruit is a pod which is slightly curved.

Uses: Impotency, asthma, dyspepsia, hemorrhoids, syphilis gonorrhea, rheumatism, enlargement of kidney and spleen

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