Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre


Family: Fabaceae

Synonym: Cytisus pinnatus L.

Vernacular name: Ungu

Habit: Tree

Habitat: Deciduous

Distribution: Southern and Eastern Asia, Australia

Flowering and fruiting: February-June

Key identification features: Trees with leaves imparipinnate,  dark green above, pale green beneath. Flowers white, in simple axillary, racemes. Calyx brown, subtruncate. Corolla white; Pods woody, glabrous, flattened, oblong, indehiscent. Seeds 1-2, reniform, white streaked with brown

Uses: The leaves are bitter and not preferred by animals. Leaves are used to make roof of festival pandhals. Bark is used to wash the idols of Gods. The fruit is to cure whooping cough of children.

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