Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L.


Family: Malvaceae

Synonym: Hibiscus × colleri Anon. 

Vernacular name: Chemparati, Ayamparathi

Habit: Shrub

Habitat: Cultivated in gardens.

Distribution: Native of Pacific Islands; cultivated in Tropical and Subtropical countries.

Flowering and Fruiting: Throughout the year

Key identification features: Evergreen erect shrubs with smooth leaves that are either ovate or elliptic-ovate, featuring serrated edges. Solitary flowers emerge from the axils, with filiform epicalyx lobes fused at the base. The corolla ranges from pinkish to red, with twisted petals. Capsules have a distinct beak.

Uses: Fresh petals used for blackening hairs and eye-brows. Flowers check menstruation bleedings; buds cure seminal weaknesses.

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