Thursday, June 27, 2024

Bridelia retusa (L.) A.Juss.


Family: Euphorbiaceae

Synonym: Clutia retusa L.

Vernacular name: Mulkaini, Ulluvenga

Habit: Tree

Habitat: Semi-evergreen and deciduous forests, also in the plains

Distribution: Indo-Malaya

Flowering and Fruiting: August-December

Key identification features: These trees bark is greyish-brown. Young trees are armed with sharp thorns. The leaves are simple and alternate. The unisexual flowers are greenish-yellow and can be sessile. The fruit is a drupe purplish-black in color. It sits on the persistent calyx. Inside, there are 2 pyrenes, each containing a single seed.

Uses: The bark is antiviral, hypoglycaemic, hypotensive. The wood is used for construction, railway ties, rafters, posts, and floor-boards; also used for cart-shafts, wheels and agricultural implements.

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