Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Actinodaphne wightiana (Kuntze) Noltie


Family: Lauraceae

Synonym: Actinodaphne hirsuta Hook.f., Actinodaphne malabarica N.P.Balakr.

Vernacular name: Kambilivirinji, Malavirinji, Pattutthalli, Pukachan, Neyaram

Habit: Tree

Habitat: Evergreen and semi-Evergreen forests

Distribution: Western Ghats

Flowering & Fruiting: August-March

Key identification features: Large evergreen trees, branchlets fulvous pubescent, petiole thick, villous pubescent beneath when young. Inflorescence of sub-racemose umbels tawny-silky-pubescent. Perianth ovate-oblong. Berry globose.

Uses: Leaf infusion useful in the treatment of urinary disorders anddiabetes, timber,fuelwood.

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